Oct 19, 2021


Lessons from my father

If you ask a question, you will eventually find an answer.

Through inductive reasoning I find this true.

Example: if you ask a friend for a cig, he’ll give you a cig. Low cost to them.

Bigger asks take more convincing and more time.

I asked my Dad a few questions.

What would you have avoided or done in 1997 (24 years ago)?

  • I would’ve found a job and stuck to it.
  • Exercise, more regularly. The pounds come little by little. And you don’t notice. Until it hits.

My grandfather also gave me sage advice:

Mag-asawa ka ng mabait apo. De bale na kung maganda basta mabait.

Sage advice from the greats.




As of 2023 this is no longer a blog, more of a digital Scrapbook where I can make things. Please bear with me. - Martin