Sep 27, 2021


The use of imagery and dish washing

I am but a humble dishwasher, so in my household, it gives me a sense of accomplishment to have all those dishes washed.

Last night I felt a bit overwhelmed.

But I thought of something I heard in a podcast from a performance psychologist, that visualizing is important. It’s the hack.

And indeed I think visualizing is a hack, it prepares you to make good decisions on behalf of your vision. He said the better way to describe it was IMAGERY. Thus, it’s not just one sense, the sense of sight.

So what I did, being tired:

Visualized: asked myself, what’s the best step to take in this situation?

Realized that, the best step I could take was to clear up the dishes in the sink.

And that I did, and it cleared up a major blockage point.

Hooray for using imagery!




As of 2023 this is no longer a blog, more of a digital Scrapbook where I can make things. Please bear with me. - The, Martin Vaca