Things that Move and Work

1 min readMar 2, 2022


Munger’s Rule — People only act when they start appearing foolish to others.


Google Calendar — If you put everything on Google Calendar vs Notes, you will have a better objective view of the events that transpired and the times these happened. Ex: “I’m taking a nap for 15 mins” became 2hr30m or 150 minutes (10x!).

Pomodoro Timers (Focus to Do Chrome Extension) — If you use this as a way to do single defined tasks, these add up, and you find that you’re more focused than you have been before and get more things done. A plus is you’re able to reflect, upon writing, what each pomodoro was used for. You can see where you’ve allocated your time during the day.

Habit Replacement — Using the Habit loop materials of C. Duhigg and J. Clear, I was able to cease two bad habits, one being smoking. Basically, you have to replace a habit with another one.




As of 2023 this is no longer a blog, more of a digital Scrapbook where I can make things. Please bear with me. - Martin